Now is the time to purchase a new Rheem High Efficiency heating & cooling system from the FL Green Team. By taking advantage of the Rheem Cash Back Rebate, FPL rebates and 2011 Federal Tax Credit, a Rheem High Efficiency system has never been more affordable. Your home can become more comfortable while continuously saving you money on monthly energy bills.
The rebate levels offered by Rheem are listed on the chart to the right. Depending on the system you purchase, you can qualify for up to a $1,000 CashBack Rebate! In addition, you can add an Indoor Air Quality element and increase the size of your rebate by $100, $150, or $200. You can even bundle the IAQ elements to further increase your rebate amount!
Rheem Energy Star Certified systems have great warranties, low monthly payments with Wells-Fargo Home Projects Financing and qualify for the Federal Tax Credit.
Click here to schedule an appointment with the FL Green Team and see how much you can save on a new Rheem High Efficiency Air Conditioning System.